Church of the Addolorata

Church of the Addolorata

The oldest church

The church of Santissima Addolorata is the oldest in the town.

It was built in the 9th century AD. following the movement of the inhabitants of Pomarico Vecchio, and was originally dedicated to Santa Margherita or Marina, as she was called in Eastern Europe, whose cult,  together with that of San Nicola, was widespread throughout the south due to the long domination Greco-Byzantine.

With the coming of the Normans, however, Pomarico was assigned as a feud to the County of Montescaglioso, and the cult of Santa Margherita was replaced by that of Sant’Angelo or San Michele Arcangelo.

The current structure is the result of modifications and expansions that took place over the centuries.

Some remains of the original walls testify that the church was originally a small chapel, sized on the small number of inhabitants.

Only in 1741 was it dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, or Mater Dolorosa.

The interior of the church, as well as the important stucco altar by Antonio Selvaggi, is embellished by some paintings by the Lucan artist Pietro Antonio Ferro.

In 2010, a restoration of the altars brought to light the original colors, now yellowed by time. This meticulous work of removing paint and grouting, highlighted all the artistic and architectural relevance of this ancient church.